
Supplementary Education – No Child Left Behind

Working to eradicate labor and increase the school assistance in the poorest areas of North Chennai Since 2015, Karunalaya is conducting daily supplementary classes in some of the 12 different slums of the poorest areas of North Chennai.
There are many reasons why children drop out of school. Poverty, broken family, misconduct in the school and lack of interest lead the child to drop out from their studies. As a result, the children engage in various unwanted affairs and lose interest in studying. This situation leads them to become working children. We conduct a survey every academic year in order to identify labourer and dropout children in our intervention areas and work with the families to create consciousness about the importance of school education.
In order to eradicate child labour and increase the school assistance in the poorest areas of North Chennai, Karunalaya mobilizes vulnerable children dwelling in the streets and slum areas, and enrol them in the ”Supplementary Education – No child left behind” program, offering them the opportunity to develop in terms of education, leadership training and other curricular activities. All students are part, as well, of the ”The Children’s Club”, a meeting place where kids are encouraged to exhibit their talents.
The program covers the following subjects: Tamil, English, Mathematics, Social Science, Science and Project Work. Training and support will be provided in areas such as Behavioural Change, Basic Life Skills, Personality Development, Time Management and Self Discipline to promote individual development.


Our young leader and street champion Sangeetha

Our young leader and street champion Sangeetha received Young Achiever Award presented by Raindropss Women Achievers Award 2018 on 10th March 2018. Her powerful expression and her genuine heart is what makes her special. We are humbled by her gesture and grateful acknowledgement. That makes us dedicate even more despite the odds we face.